Knowledge quiz

Which Dutch artist made this spectacular Flowers and Fruit painting in the 1700s?

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Still Life as a theme and subject in contemporary art…

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Which landmark did Christo and Jeanne-Claude wrap as their last piece of work in 2021?

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What items did Christo and Jeanne-Claude wrap to draw people’s attention to their everyday surroundings?

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When artists such as Picasso and Braque showed objects from different perspectives at the same time in the same picture this was called...

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Which artists took Pop Art to a whole new level by making everyday objects into sculptures on a superhuman scale?

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Surrealism was an art movement which was interested in exploring...

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What was the title of Marcel Duchamp’s readymade artwork that caused a stir in 1917?

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Which of the following products did Pop artist Andy Warhol often feature in his work?

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What is the name of this artwork by Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss, made in 1987?

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What is installation art?

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What period was this painting by Dutch artist Clara Peeters made?

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