Final Quiz

What name do we give to artists ahead of their time who take risks by trying out new things?

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Which was the first avant-garde movement of the 20th century?

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Kandinsky distinguished himself in which great modern art movement?

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Which artist invented the principle of “objects with symbolic functions”?

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For The Girls of Avignon, Picasso drew inspiration from …

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Which pair of abstract artists were interested in the theory of colours?

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This movement sought to portray its subjects truthfully, i.e. showing all facets of them. This was …

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After the 1917 Revolution, three-dimensional abstract art appeared in Russia: this was …

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According to art historians, abstraction can be …

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Edvard Munch, creator of the famous painting, “The Scream”, belonged to the … artistic family.

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Which of these artists used the research done by Braque and Picasso on Cubism and took it further, into abstraction?

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Signac, alongside whom Matisse painted Luxury, Calm and Pleasure, was a … artist

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