Merry Christmas ! 🎄
Ho ho ho... 🎅 The holidays are coming up! Discover our special Christmas playlist for the occasion. Find out how Christmas was celebrated at the French court, admire some snowy landscapes and discover how Jesus would celebrate his birthday if he lived in Tokyo today!

How was Christmas celebrated at the court of Versailles?

In French with English subtitles.

Content produced byChâteau de Versailles

On the agenda
video - 1:50
Amazing Versailles : Christmas in Versailles
By: Château de Versailles
video - 5:41
Winter’s tale : the silver skates ⛸️
By: Musée du Louvre
podcast - 19:41
Christmas in Tuscany, 5 weird traditions
By: What's Up Tuscany
video - 5:45
Monet’s Wheatstacks (Snow Effect, Morning)
By: SmartHistory
video - 14:43
The Invention of the White Christmas
By: Art History Girl