African Arts are in the spotlight!
The arts of the African continent tell some remarkable stories. To discover some of the great kingdoms of Africa, check our playlist below! And if you prefer contemporary art, no problem: our playlist includes some renowned artists such as Romuald Hazoumè, Zanele Muholi and Chéri Samba.
Chéri Samba raconte son ascension internationale !
Chéri Samba tells of his rise international rise!
In French with English subtitles.
Content produced by : Our Choices
On the agenda

video - 7:25
CHÉRI SAMBA 3/3 – From Africa to the World
By: Our Choices

video - 6:55
Zanele Muholi – ‘In My World, Every Human is Beautiful’
By: Tate

video - 5:10
Kingdom of Ife: Ife uncovered
By: British Museum

video - 1:00
The Dahomey Amazons
By: Art Explora

video - 3:17
Interview of Romuald Hazoume
By: Fondation Louis Vuitton

video - 8:01
CHÉRI SAMBA 1/3 – Congo Imagination
By: Our Choices

video - 6:59
CHÉRI SAMBA 2/3 – Asserting your Style
By: Our Choices