
From its earliest origins, people’s relationship with nature and the environment has been a core theme in art. In earlier examples, artists portrayed the natural world as a mystic, powerful entity, a physically dominating force. But in recent decades, that dynamic has turned on its head, as humankind’s impact on our environment becomes ever more clear, urgent, and irreversible. In this new film How Artists Respond to the Climate Crisis we look at what role artists have in tackling our urgent climate issues and explore the different approaches they’ve taken to raise awareness and engage us with our increasingly fragile world.

This film is part of a new series The Art of Discomfort which looks at how artists explore or present challenging themes in their work.

Content produced by
National Galleries of Scotland

To watch all the episodes of “The Art of Discomfort”, click here !

On the agenda
video - 10:28
How artists respond to the Climate Crisis
By: National Galleries of Scotland