Women, (in)visible?
Women,(in)visible? CHAPTER 3
Women, (in)visible?
Women,(in)visible? CHAPTER 3
Cloistered in the domestic space?

This idea that women should stay at home while men are meant for public spaces often appears in the writings of ancient Greek authors. Menander even wrote that “an honest woman should stay at home; the street is for nothing women (prostitutes)”.


Fortunately, in ancient Greece, women were free to move about, even though Menander may have wished otherwise. But they had limited rights in comparison to men when it came to participating in public gatherings and political assemblies.


Indeed, women across different cultures and time periods have frequently faced limitations in accessing public spaces.


For instance, in ancient Rome, women could attend games at the Forum, but they generally had to sit at the back of the amphitheatre, with the children or enslaved people.




Vase (pyxis) with an indoor scene
circa 430 BCE, ceramic, 12 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée du Louvre) / Stéphane Maréchalle.ère, céramique, 12 cm, musée du Louvre, Paris. Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Stéphane Maréchalle
In a nutshell

Women’s access to public space has been restricted across different cultures and time periods.

The existence of harems

“Harems” or “serails” are another example of the segregation of space based on gender. A harem was, above all, a private communal living space for wives, concubines and enslaved women.


The nature and level of restrictions within harems varied greatly depending on the specific culture and historical context. They were found in many different cultures with various religious beliefs throughout the Mediterranean.


In the most famous of them all, that of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the women had a privileged role. Some of them even held the reins of government!


The Last Queen (image from the film),
2023, directed by Damien Ounouri

The Magnificent Century, Kosem (excerpt), 2016-2017, created by Meral Okay


The “Magnificent Century” TV shows portrays the sultana Kösem, who, arriving as an enslaved woman in the harem, ruled the Ottoman Empire on behalf of her sons in the 17th century.


Traditional harems have been in decline since the 19th century and in most countries outlawed.

Harems were sometimes enclosed by moucharabies.


While controlling light and regulating airflow, amongst other functions, these finely crafted lattices also allowed women to see out without being seen.


Moucharaby, 18th century,
wood, 177 x 246 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. © Louvre Museum, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Claire Tabbagh
Interior of a moucharabieh,
Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Photo: Patrick Charpiat, CC BY 3.0
In a nutshell

Women have often been restricted to domestic space, as shown by the historical example of harems.

Harems and Orientalist Art

Western artworks depicting women in harems rely heavily on Orientalism.


Orientalism refers to representations of the East in Western art that were often exoticised and fictionalised.


These artworks frequently exhibit an erotic nature, depicting naked women in sensual poses or adorned with gold jewellery, in opulently decorated rooms. Many of these representations were purely products of the artist’s imagination. 


This style of art was particularly popular in the 19th century, following the expansion of European empires and colonial rule. While highly appreciated by patrons fascinated by the exotic, it did not accurately portray the diverse realities of women’s experiences in Mediterranean harems.

Eugène Delacroix, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment,
1834, oil on canvas, 180 x 229 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre Museum)/Franck Raux
Théodore Chassériau, Sketch : Interior of a Harem
1856, oil on canvas, 55 x 80 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre Museum)/Gérard Blot
Théodore Chassériau, Jewish Women At The Balcony, Algiers,
1849, oil on canvas, 35 x 25 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre Museum)/Daniel Arnaudet
In a nutshell

Western artists often created Orientalist depictions of the harem, exoticising and fictionalising the space and the women represented.

Clothing norms

Even when you leave home, it’s still possible to hide… behind your clothes! Clothing norms can be influenced by societal expectations, particularly affecting women. For instance, many cultures throughout history have advocated for covering certain parts of the body.

This can involve covering the head. There are various reasons and meanings associated with this practice. Generally, the veil is seen as a symbol of modesty, reservation, and privacy.


  • (1) This is the case, for example, in Greece, from ancient times to the present day, varying across regions ;
  • (2) In Italy, particularly during the Renaissance period ;
  • (3) And also in Egypt.
In Greece: Tanagra statuette
between 325 and 300 BCE, clay, 23 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre Museum)/Tony Querrec
In Italy during the Renaissance: Bronzino, Portrait of a woman,
16th century, oil on wood, 105 x 84 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (Louvre Museum)/Franck Raux
In Muslim Egypt: Veiled woman,
17th–19th century, paint over drawing, 10 x 13 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo © Louvre Museum, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Claire Tabbagh/Digital Collections
François Boucher, Pastoral
1753, oil on canvas, 88 x 115 cm, National Assembly, Paris. Photo © RMN-Grand Palais/Bulloz Agency

In numerous cultures, it is also recommended to cover one’s legs. In 18th century France, for instance, it was highly frowned upon to show one’s ankles.

Paintings like those by Boucher depicting a young woman’s ankles were considered… erotic!

Of course, clothing norms towards women reflect specific eras and contexts. They evolve and vary depending on cultures, time periods, and individuals.

In a nutshell

Across many cultures, clothing norms reflect cultural expectations placed upon women.

Women erased from history?
Women are also invisible in our history books

Indeed, they have been little studied over the decades – all the focus was on “great men”!


Today, though, we’re looking for traces of them in history. They’re sometimes faint, but they reveal:

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazor II, King of Sidon,
circa 480 BCE, discovered at Sidon, basalt, 256 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo (C) Louvre Museum, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Raphaël Chipault

The forgotten destiny of women in power:


The inscription on this sarcophagus of a king reveals the name of his mother, Amoashtart – this indicates that this queen ruled in place of her young son.

Roman headstone of Claudia Hedone,
between the 1st and the 5th century CE, marble, 46 cm, Louvre Museum, Paris. © 2009 Louvre Museum/Daniel Lebée/Carine Deambrosis

The daily life of women:

On this headstone from ancient Rome, a mother, Claudia Hedone, expresses her grief at having lost her children.


These works give us a more comprehensive view of our past.

In a nutshell

Today, historians are working to uncover and write the history of women.

In summary, you have discovered:

  • Cloistered in the domestic space?
  • The existence of harems
  • Harems and Orientalist Art
  • Clothing norms
  • Women erased from history?
To train

What are the finely crafted lattices that make it possible to see without being seen called?

You have to choose an answer

How were women in harems typically portrayed in Western artworks?

You have to choose an answer

In the 18th century in the West, it was frowned upon for a woman to show…

You have to choose an answer

You have unlocked the next chapter in your course Women in Art in the Mediterranean.


Women in the arts
