The Female Odyssey
Join us on a journey through the Mediterranean to explore the female characters in Homer's Odyssey. From Penelope, the ideal woman, to the monsters that Odysseus faces, we will delve into the archetypes of femininity that have influenced Western culture. We will examine how these women, nymphs, goddesses, and monsters have been portrayed over the centuries in various art forms such as literature, film, comic books, and video games. Through these interpretations and reinterpretations, we can gain insights into the culture of the times in which they were created.
In this first episode we take a look at Penelope, the ideal wife for the ancient Greeks, who waited 20 years for her husband, remaining faithful and devoted to him. But was she as passive as the image we have of her?
In French with English subtitles.
Contenu produit par : Margaux Brugvin & Art Explora
On the agenda

video - 6:44
Penelope, the ideal wife
By: Art Explora & Margaux Brugvin

video - 7:32
Circe and Calypso, dangerous nymphs
By: Art Explora & Margaux Brugvin

video - 6:44
Monsters: Scylla, Charybde and the mermaids
By: Art Explora & Margaux Brugvin

video - 7:39
Athena, a feminist goddess?
By: Art Explora & Margaux Brugvin