To mark the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition, and in conjunction with the exhibition “Paris 1874. Inventing Impressionism” exhibition, which opened its doors at the Musée d’Orsay on 6 March 2024, a series of 6 lectures for the general public looks at Impressionism from a fresh and dynamic angle.
This latest lecture by Théo Esparon, a doctoral student at the University of Paris Nanterre, looks at the link between Impressionist painting and cinema. Has cinema really taken over from Impressionism, an artistic movement that showed it the way? This lecture dares to compare the emblematic productions of American Hollywood cinema by Vincente Minnelli and Anthony Mann with Impressionist painting in its relationship with light and nature.
In French with English subtitles.
Content produced by : Musée d’Orsay
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