To mark the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition, and in conjunction with the exhibition “Paris 1874. Inventing Impressionism” exhibition, which opened its doors at the Musée d’Orsay on 6 March 2024, a series of 6 lectures for the general public looks at Impressionism from a fresh and dynamic angle.
This first lecture begins with an introduction to the eight Impressionist exhibitions (1874-1886). How did Impressionism develop from 1874 onwards? With almost 1,800 works exhibited in 12 years over the course of 8 exhibitions, how did the painting of modern life assert itself?
A talk by Anne Robbins, Curator of Painting, Musée d’Orsay and co-curator of the exhibition “Paris 1874. Inventing Impressionism” exhibition.
In French with English subtitles.
Content produced by : Musée d’Orsay
And to find out more about Impressionism, click here!