Keeping it Surreal
This week sees the opening of the exhibition 'Keeping it surreal: Surrealism Beyond Borders' at the Tate Modern in London. To prepare your visit or to simply pretend you went there 😉 Art Explora has prepared a special playlist for you! From Dali to Chirico, with Dora Maar or Leonora Carrington, let's discover the works of these artists who used their dreams and the subconscious mind to create their art. Enjoy!

Dali was one of the most bizarre, yet crazy talented artists to ever live! Watch this video to learn all about him and discover his home!

Content produced by : Artrageaous with Nate

To learn more about 20th-century Modern Art, click here !

On the agenda
video - 7:23
Who Was Salvador Dali and What Is Surrealism?
By: Artrageous with Nate
video - 1:32
The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí
By: Accessible art history
video - 11:01
Introduction to the Exhibition “Max Ernst” by Curator Raphaël Bouvier
By: Fondation Beyeler
video - 4:59
Surrealism in 5 Minutes: Idea Behind the Art Movement
By: Curious Muse
video - 4:25
What is Surrealism?
By: National Galleries of Scotland
video - 8:43
Leonora Carrington – Britain’s Lost Surrealist
By: Tate
podcast - 28:12
René Magritte’s The Son of Man (1964)
By: The Lonely Palette