Colours in art
Did you know that red was trendy in ancient Greece and was even used to represent the sky? And that the artist Yves Klein created his own colour (IKB blue) and licensed it ? Green was often associated with the devil and monsters during the Middle Ages... Used for thousands of years by artists, colours have always had a very strong symbolism. So, to analyse better artworks and understand the evolution of colours, you're in the right place!

In this video, presented by Accessible Art History, I examine a brief history and use of the color red.

Content produced by: Accessible Art History

On the agenda
video - 3:05
History of Color: Red
By: Accessible art history
video - 10:12
What Does Colour Sound Like? Kandinsky and Music
By: Listening In
video - 8:46
By: Google Arts & Culture
video - 4:00
History of Color: Blue
By: Accessible art history
podcast - 84:00
Cobalt Blue with Isabella Segalovich – Color Theory & Color Studies 
By: Art Slice
video - 2:40
History of Color: Yellow
By: Accessible art history
video - 1:38
Olafur Eliasson’s ‘Room for one colour’
By: The National Gallery
video - 4:10
History of Color: Green
By: Accessible art history
video - 3:09
Malachite in art : Why this paint didn’t last 500 years
By: The National Gallery