Cats and Dogs
Get your fill of cuteness at Art Explora Academy before you go on holiday… Every August it's international cat and dog day. Whether you're a cat person or a dog lover, you'll surely love our August playlist to discover the coolest pets in art history!

Egyptologist Amandine Marshall explains why cats weren’t actually that sacred in ancient Egypt!

In French with English subtitles.

Content produced by: ToutankaTube

On the agenda
video - 4:59
NO, cats weren’t sacred in ancient Egypt!
By: ToutankaTube
video - 4:34
The history of the world according to cats
By: Ted Ed
video - 3:55
5 Cool CATS in ART History 😼
By: Google Arts & Culture
video - 15:57
22 Cat-Crazy Artists
By: The Art Tourist
video - 1:30
The King’s dogs
By: Château de Versailles