What is a masterpiece?
The history of art is full of "masterpieces", those creations that are now considered cultural icons. But what is a masterpiece? And why are some works more famous than others? Well, sometimes it's linked to the artist, the historical context, the technical innovation, a scandal or a shroud of mystery... If you want to dive into the history of some masterpieces, you’re in the right place!

In 1980, the National Galleries of Scotland bought a painting by American pop artist Roy Lichtenstein for £100,000, and were greeted with uproar that so much money had been spent on a comic book. From its controversial origins, how has ‘In The Car’ become such an iconic artwork? What makes a painting iconic? Who decides what art is worth? Why can’t I touch artworks when I’m in a gallery? Check back weekly for new videos, and get involved in the comments below.

Narrated by Blanche Anderson.

Content produced byNational Galleries of Scotland

To watch all the episodes of “Questions about art”, click here !

On the agenda
video - 9:11
What makes an artwork iconic?
By: National Galleries of Scotland
video - 5:39
How the Mona Lisa became so overrated ?
By: Vox Media
video - 5:37
Why is the Mona Lisa so famous?
By: Ted Ed
video - 12:03
Masterpieces of the Uffizi: Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Perugino
video - 6:30
How American Gothic became an icon
By: Vox Media
video - 2:07
Picasso, a man of influence
By: Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais
video - 12:55
Contemporary art in 5 masterpieces
By: Centre Pompidou
video - 13:59
The Definition of Art
By: The Art Assignment
video - 5:31
Is there a difference between art and craft?
By: Ted Ed