Back to school
September, let’s get back to school ! Discover our videos and podcast to help you review your art history basics. How to analyse a work of art, to read a painting, to use the right vocabulary… Art Explora Academy will get you covered with its best cheats notes !

Why do all-white paintings sell for millions of dollars and end up in museums?

So-called “white paintings” are in museums all across the world and Robert Ryman’s all-white painting “Bridge” sold for a record $20.6 million at a Christie’s auction in 2015. How are these seemingly plain white paintings considered art and why is it that not anyone can pick up a tube of white paint and make one?

We talk to Elisabeth Sherman, an assistant curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York about why there is much more to these paintings than meets the eye, and while you could have painted on of these priceless pieces of art, you didn’t.

Content produced byVox Media

On the agenda
video - 6:29
Why these all-white paintings are in museums and mine aren’t?
By: Vox Media
video - 3:41
How to do a Visual Analysis
By: Accessible art history
video - 10:09
How to recognize Italian Renaissance art
By: SmartHistory
video - 11:23
How to Sound like you Understand Art
By: The Art Assignment
video - 4:18
Who decides what art means?
By: Ted Ed